Join us to help build a brighter future through play!

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Being a Discovery Toys Play Advisor
involves Purpose,Passion & Play!

• Earn Commission on your sales!
• Earn Free Products and Cash Bonuses!
• Make a Difference in the Lives of Children!
• Fun, Flexible and From Home!
• Earn Incentive Trips to Fabulous Tropical Locations!
• A Personal Online Toy Store for Friends, Family & Customers!


Discovery Toys is the premier learning toy company dedicated to helping children develop through Play for over 45 years. Join us in offering toys from a trusted brand that specializes in premium, kid-powered learning products for children of all ages. Through play, a child lays the foundation for later academic learning. Be a part of a child's success and help build a brighter future through play!
Watch our video to hear from current Play Advisors on why they joined.

Joining with Discovery Toys is as easy as A, B, C

Become a Play Advisor and launch your business
in a few easy steps!


Choose the Join Option that’s right for you

1) DT’s DELUXE Option! $194
(Value over $360, with delivery included!)
This pre-selected option includes 12 top-selling DT Products and DT Personal Website (Free for minimum of 3 months)
2) DT’s CUSTOM Option! $79
Join for just $79 and select $140 * in DT Products and/or Business Tools to get started. Plus, a DT Personal Website (Free for minimum of 3 months)

3) ONLINE STARTER Option! $20
Join for just $20 and get a DT Personal Website (Free for minimum of 3 months)


Enroll Online – It takes just 5 minutes!

Enroll Today!


Start Sharing Discovery Toys!
Your toy store is officially open for business on your own personal website. It's that easy!

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